Use God’s Promises

​The Bible has many prophecies and many promises from God. I love knowing that, and I am here to receive those beautiful promises, and share each beautiful testimony, triumph, and blessing from the Most High. We are told in the book of Joshua, to hold the words of the scripture in our hearts, to meditate on them day and night, to keep our focus on His word, but why? It comes down to the same thing all teachers, coaches, and motivational speakers are sharing with you when we are being guided to work with affirmations, mantras, chants. We are changing the chatter of our minds (EGO Self). Jesus understood the power of the mind and the spoken word and used them wisely while he walked on Earth. He gave great parables and stories to stick in people's minds, and have them digest those wonderful lessons. You might forget a quote, but you'll remember the premise of a story. The lessons stick a little more in that format. If you are focused on stories, mantras, prayers, affirmations of positivity, triumph, and success, then it's easier to attract those things to you. When we are focused on the pains, traumas, hardships, and fears, those become our vibration, and we attract more of that.

One can't be happy and sad at the same time. Nor joyful and angry. It's either one or the other, so considering we have a choice in how we want to feel, how we want to live, how we want our lives to play out, we first must tap into the stories that are already playing in our minds, and shift them to tales of joy, instead of pain. When you have the positive reminders of strength, love, and wisdom playing in your mind, the deceptions of fear, darkness, devil energies have nowhere to go, as your mind is filled with wonderful thoughts instead. As it says in James 4:7, resist the fear (devil) and he will flee from you. 

As I have embarked upon entrepreneurship these reminders have been coming up more and more. As I reach every new level in my success, I also reach a new level of limited beliefs and distortions to have to heal, clear out, and then replace with divine truth. The lies of lack, poverty, and hopelessness were prevalent in my neighborhood, and when people tried to do more for themselves, many of them were, are, belittled, insulted, and isolated for their choices. The crab in a barrel mentality is a truth for far too many. It is during those times that the words of joy, hope, triumph, strength come through, and lift you. It's when you are going through hard times you remember the promise of God to help you in Isaiah 41. It is when you feel weak and lost, that you remember that you are made strong in perfect weakness like in 2 Corinthians. It is when you don't think you have the words that you are reminded they will be gifted to you, like in the book of Jeremiah. And it is when you feel disqualified, lost, and scared of the gifts you've been given, and don't want to screw it up, that you are reminded that you can simply ask for wisdom, and it will be given to you, generously, and without judgment, like in James 1:5.  These things and much more shall be done unto you, if you believe, for all is done/given/bestowed upon us, through one's faith (Romans 12:3).  

There's a story in the Bible, 2 Kings, in which 3 Kings were in the desert, and there was a drought. They contacted the prophet Elisha to see what they should do if God would forsake them. Elisha tells them to dig their ditches. They wouldn't see rain, clouds, feel a breeze, nothing, but their ditches would be filled with water, and they would have an overflow. Now I love this story for so many reasons. 1- it's a huge reminder to us all that we need to have faith in something greater than ourselves, in the middle of our trials and tribulations. 2- it's a huge test of faith, as they were digging ditches in a desert, during a drought. 3- the waters came as a flash flood, not as rain, which shows us as well, we will receive our blessings, but it's not always the way we think it will arrive. They needed water and were looking for rain, but got it in a flash flood. How many of us, are desiring something, and holding on so tightly to our expectation, that we don't see that it can come to us another way, and if we just trust, have faith, live with expectancy, but relinquish control of the how, it will come to us, as quickly as a flash flood will. 

Recently I have dug my ditches for my water (a beautiful new home ), and in "human time" things seem delayed, as all the pieces have yet to come together but they truly aren't delayed, as God's timing, is perfect, so I am waiting, and as I wait, I continue to dig ditches. See, I have learned that my water can come through rain, through floods, through a water delivery. LOL! Anything is possible. All I asked for was the water, how I get it, is how I get it. My only caveat always is whatever I desire, may I receive it, its equivalent, or something better, and always be covered under the grace of the Almighty. Honestly, if it's not mine, I don't want it. I want what's mine, simple. So delays are just telling me, that wasn't for me, and that something better is in store for us. The perfect home, in the perfect neighborhood. The Kings had no warning, but all at once their waters came like a flash flood, and that's often what our manifestations look like. We dig our ditches, we look to the skies for the water, and even though we are told we are not going to see the clouds, or feel the breeze, we kind of still looking for it, because we don't see any other way it can happen, and right when we feel hopeless, right when we feel like, that's it, it's never gonna happen, it all happens in a FLASH! When we listen and trust in the wisdom being given to us, our lives change in a flash. So while life is happening for you, find some scripture, affirmations, mantras, stories that will pour life into your soul, restore hope in your heart, and assist you in keeping your thoughts positive. You can use the ones I gave you, or find your own. Doesn't matter where you get your inspiration, as long as it's positive, pouring life into you, and motivating you to hold the vision, and live your best life, then do you BOO! I love you, God loves you, and Angels surround you. ​

The Enlightened Daughter

Lightworker. Wayshower. Twin Flame. Healer. Reader. Priestess. Minister.

Don’t Fear Your Gifts


If It’s God’s Will