We are all intuitive Be-ings of Light, able to tap into the energies of the Universe and gain some insight. The Tarot and Oracle card readings are one of the divination tools, utilized with my intuition, astrology, numerology, and in tandem with my Team of Light to get some answers, guidance, and insight into the energies around us. These readings are not to be used as a substitution for seeking medical advice when needed, nor will you ever be guided to harm yourself, or another. We all have free will, and these readings are here as a confirmation and an insight into what you already know. As you tap into these energies, you can shift any low vibrational energies to higher ones, and you can take control over your life. You are Captain Fate, sail your ship confidently. You are so loved.

I love you, God loves you, and Angels surround you.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, and do not offer medical advice. If you feel guided to see a doctor, please, do so. There are many health professionals out there, who may offer services in alignment with your soul’s truth. Trust your inner guidance in choosing the right one for you.
All readings are PRE-RECORDED AND based ON availability*