If It’s God’s Will

If it's God's Will.

People love to say this, and helplessly shrug their shoulders, as if all hope is lost. As if Man were not given dominion over the Earth. As if hope and faith were merely just words, and not the power gifted to us by the Creator of the Universe. Interesting. Isn't hope something we are supposed to hold onto, well, if you are following scripture that is. Have hope (Psalm 71:14), place hope in God (Psalm 130:5), being hopeful is not shameful (Romans 5:5), however, hope that isn't seen isn't hope at all (Romans 8:28). Isn't that interesting? We are to hope in God, yet when we are faced with life's ups and downs, we just throw in the towel, as if all is hopeless as if God is some weak, shifty human, who won’t come through on payday with the bread He owes you. SMH. Odd probably, more so than interesting. I mean, I missed the part where we have hope, place it in a power greater than our own, and then forget to follow through on that hope with belief, with knowing, with pride, because it was GOD who gave us the strength, power, and resolve to have hope, to begin with. Where does it say to have shifty, wavering, doubtful faith, hope, belief? I missed that class, scripture, teaching, all that.

There are too many fence-sitters out there. People who believe according to convenience, contingency, or circumstances. And there are others still, who choose not to be responsible for their choices, and thus their situations, and try to externalize all their actions and choices, that way if it works out, they can say 'Thank God,' and if it doesn’t, they can say 'It’s God’s will.' Never, never, never taking accountability for their choices, decisions, and thus circumstances, as if God is out here torturing people, and setting them up for failure, as some petty, shifty HUMANS do. Craziness. So, which one is it? Do you truly have the hope you speak of or is that only when being challenged on a Sunday?

The Bible, like many other spiritual texts, was written so people could have something hopeful to look at, stories, teachings, guidelines to hold on to so that after time passes on, and our fears begin to get the best of us, again (Romans 15:4), we have a physical reminder of triumphs, wins, and resolutions. Stories of when people had hope and remembered their sovereignty, and proudly shared their testimony with others. It wasn't created to be a crutch. It is a symbol of hope, light, faith, of victory. It was never created to be another false idol. It was created to empower you, not guide you to give your power away. You are a child of the Most High God, created in its image. How then can you simultaneously be a child of the Creator and powerless at the same time? Even in a logical human mind, that doesn’t make any sense.

Sometimes you just must ask yourself some simple, and honest questions.

Did God tell you to lie? No. 

Did God tell you to cheat? NO!

Did God tell you to walk away from your family? Nope.

Did God tell you to stay in an unhealthy situation? Negative. 

Did God tell you not to show up on time? Nope.

Did God tell you to not get gas for your car last night, knowing you wouldn't have time in the morning, thus being late again for work, when your job is already in jeopardy? Nah.

And guess what? Your parents, spouse, lover, kids, friends, neighbors, and co-workers probably didn't either. It's your life. When are you going to look at it, and own it? Stop blaming God for your lack of trust, faith, belief. Stop blaming others for the choices you make daily, good or seemingly bad. You are learning, growing, evolving, and the lessons you face will continue until they are learned. That's how loving this universe is, how loving your God is. You get mad do-overs, but don't think they'll all happen this lifetime, or that the test will be the same the next time. No, no, no. Every time you take the test and don't pass, you get to take it a different way. The core doesn't change, but the circumstances will, so how long you play this game is entirely up to you. Free will. And yes, it is God's will, and pleasure for each of His children to pass their test, and God, the Angels, Ancestors, Spirit Guides, are all there to support each, and everyone on their journeys. Every child. Every time. Every single time. No exceptions. Ever. This is the true “No Child Left Behind” motto the world needs to embrace.

God’s will is for your love and joy. To remember who and whose you are. To empower you. To love you. TO pour into you. To remind you that you are here for the love, joy, pleasures, expansion of the universe. You are here to be happy, fulfilled, create, and empowered by the light. You do not honor God, nor yourself by pretending to be less than that in which you truly are. It is God’s will for you to thrive in perfect wholeness, health, abundance, well-being, and joy. So go, be that, do that, embrace that. Walk and honor the will of God in your life by being the best version of you, you could ever be. And so it is. I love you, God loves you, and Angels surround you.

The Enlightened Daughter

Lightworker. Wayshower. Twin Flame. Healer. Reader. Priestess. Minister.


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