Don’t Fear Your Gifts

As an Intuitive Healer it has been hard to label myself, let alone market myself. How does one market, well I'll know what I need at the time. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Very confusing, so I kind of moved away from that, began focusing more on my Sex Coach practice. Still, I am as multifaceted, as I am multidimensional, so I am always diving deep into all aspects of my Be-ing, and all of the gifts God has bestowed upon me. A scripture came to mind recently and I decided to re-read the text in its entirety to fully comprehend the context in which it was given. It was the Book of Matthew I was guided to. As I read the scripture I was looking for, I continued on past that point, and I was led to Matthew 10, and that's where the tears began to fall. See, I always say I don't know what I am doing consciously, I just allow God to use me as a vessel, and every healing is as different as the client. Just as the words I speak aren't necessarily my own in those moments. There are more conversations than I can remember where I spoke to someone for a long period of time, and couldn't tell you what we were talking about, because it wasn't for me. God was flowing through me, and the message was for them, not for me. Reading Jesus' words in Matthew 10, echoing these very things that I am experiencing was overwhelming, humbling, and a true honor.

So, I may not be marketing the intuitive healing aspect of myself necessarily, but I am much more confident in my dealings. I know now that not knowing is fine, as long as my heart is open, and I trust the process. It's mind-blowing, beautiful, and a true blessing. A path I lovingly, and honorably walk. I am blessed to be able to help people, serve God, have mad fun doing it, and I can do it all, while still being me. I'm perfect. The process is perfect. You are perfect. Life is perfect. Enjoy it, embrace it, honor it. You may not know it all right now, and that's okay. You know enough, and what you need to know, shall be added onto you. Ask for the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding you shall need in any given moment, and be open to the wisdom you receive, even when it doesn't make sense to the logical mind. Trust the process. If I questioned and doubted every time I was with someone, I would not be able to do the work I do, help those I have helped, and guaranteed, I would have buried many of them. We each have gifts, bestowed upon us by the Most High. Talents and skills we've gotten from many lifetimes, and have access too at this time. Don't doubt yourself. Don't doubt your gifts. Don't question the callings of your heart. Don't listen to people who never dared to try. Don't listen to people who are too scared to try. This is your life, your calling, your gift, your time. Use it up, use it well, use it wisely. I love you, God loves you, and Angels surround you. 

The Enlightened Daughter

Lightworker. Wayshower. Twin Flame. Healer. Reader. Priestess. Minister.

Faith…HebrewS 11:1


Use God’s Promises