Faith…HebrewS 11:1

Hebrews 11:1. “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see.” 

Faith. Do you have any? Is it circumstantial? Do you have it in your day-to-day activities, or do you have faith only when someone is ill? Praying, and begging God for a miracle. Is your “faith” just a word you repeat, because society tells you, you should, or is it a way of being? This, Beloved Souls, is the big distinction that one must make. I often see people who have faith in certain things, or at certain times, mostly on behalf of others, but they have no faith in themselves, for themselves, nor for their own lives. Allowing that same lack of faith, to be the destroyer of their goals and dreams. We want so badly to be loved and supported, yet we lack faith in ourselves, which makes it almost impossible to have faith outside of ourselves, especially in an invisible, Higher Power. 

People love to tease me because I walk by faith, which tickles the fuck out of me. I make a conscious effort to try not to freak out when the timing of things doesn't look so great (in our small human minds). Honestly, it’s not easy to hold that vibration of faith, and to trust in it. I have come to notice though, that since I truly love delightful surprises, and the Universe is quite benevolent, things will often happen for me, at the "last minute," or as we know it to be, God’s divine timing. So, I laugh joyously, because I am a living testimony of God's countless blessings, hope, grace, and divine timing. I could easily lose faith, like any other person, and I have struggled with my own faith from time to time. It’s not always easy to live a life in one realm, while trusting in another. Fear can be overwhelming, and powerful, and can feel so real. Trust me, I know. I’m human too. I’m in limbo mode RIGHT now! My children and I are in between homes, shifting from one area to another, and yet being detoured to other areas along the way. Several times in recent weeks, which came as quite a surprise. At first, I was frozen by fear, because I was so thrown off by the shifts and changes around me. It was like I was walking down the street, at midnight, with a GPS, and suddenly it began to rain, hurricane rains and the power went out. Not just the power on the phone, but the power of the street as well. Right. Scary as shit. LOL! Then I had to truly just release, and tap in. I later realized that everywhere we’ve been, is everywhere we were NEEDED to be, so if another shift occurs, it too will be divinely guided, and we have been guided to many different areas, during this transition, in order to do more beautiful lightwork. Seeding light and being the answer to many a silent prayer. That’s a gift. That’s an honor. That’s the Most High. Always on time. Aligning things perfectly, and for the highest good of ALL. I can’t tell you how many times in recent weeks, I’ve been reminded that “it’s not about me.” When you begin to walk in, and trust in that guidance, you begin to see how all the dots connect, and you begin to walk a little more confidently by faith. It becomes more than just a biblical reference; it becomes a part of your Be-ing.

Hear me well, I am not completely without fear. I too question and doubt my faith, guidance, intuition. I could choose to sit here right now, bitching, whining, bemoaning life, and be scared shitless. Nervous, fearful, stagnant, of the unknown, OR....or I can live my life consciously, knowing I am aiming for the highest good of all, I've done all I could, and the universe will do what I can't. This is the truth, this is my life, this is faith, this is how God works in my life, and yours as well, if you’re open to it. Magick. Miracles. Blessings. This is how I live. One blessed, guided, miraculous step at a time. That is the test of faith. 

There is one absolute power, and that is the power of the Most High, of love, of truth. Anything outside of that, is merely a distortion. Let that sit in your mind right now. You may have faith, BUT...but in what exactly? In the Most High, Creator of all, the Omnipotent One that never sleeps or slumbers, and loves you unconditionally, or is your faith actually rooted in fear? Florence Scovel Shinn says that fear is just distorted faith. It is faith in the power of fear/evil, as opposed to faith in love/God. So, where has your faith taken you? What has faith gifted you? Where has your faith placed you? Can you think of a time when you just trusted, trusted beyond measure, even when it was illogical, and life showed up for you? These are the things to remember, these are the things to note. Jesus said you need to have faith, as small as a mustard seed. Can you do that? Can you conjure up enough faith, maybe even as small as a mustard seed, and see where it takes you? If you do not believe, you cannot receive. It is the universal law. Claim it. Reclaim your faith, and step into your blessed life, and superb future. You deserve it. I love you, God loves you, and Angels surround you.

The Enlightened Daughter

Lightworker. Wayshower. Twin Flame. Healer. Reader. Priestess. Minister.

2022… Abundant New Year


Don’t Fear Your Gifts