The Medicine of Mercury Retrograde

God/Goddess Afternoon Beloved Souls, and Happy Soulful Sunday. What an incredible week we just had, and now here we are, under the Autumnal Equinox, with the Sun in Libra, Full Moon in Pisces, and Mercury going retrograde tomorrow. Yup...a lot going on.

As we end September and herald in wonderful October (Halloween is my favorite holiday​, I mean HELLO, my name IS Autumn​), the season of releasing, we are once again being called to release those things that are no longer serving us, so we can truly heal, transform, and elevate past that point of stagnation​. ​As these energies can be a bit heavy, and ​the Mercury Retrograde energy is ​here to support our introspection, ​release, re-evaluation, and reviews.​ It's time to honor the things that are coming up for healing. Shine a light on it, show it some love, and clean it up, so you can let it go, once and for all. ​

Here's an example: ​It's like going into your attic​/​basement​ (mind)​, and seeing an old childhood toy (old wound/trauma/pain/hurt). Yes, you look at it, and you even have some fond memories of that time, but you also realize ​that was a long time ago. You aren't a ​child (​Wounded ​Inner Child) anymore​, it's an old toy (energy), and you are ready to throw it away​ (break the belief pattern/release the fear)​. ​So you take the old box of junk (old hurts) and get rid of it once and for all​ (reframe your thoughts from negative to positive)​. I mean, yes, when we throw boxes out, the box ​may be gone, but maybe the box was moldy, ​and ​it needed to be thrown out, but it left ​behind an awful smell​. So, we throw out the box​(es)​, then get our buckets of soapy water (love/healing​/affirmations​) and clean the attic/basement (our thought patterns). ​

As we clean one area, we realize that we have to do the entire space, and that can seem overwhelming at times. Daunting. Like who wants to clean this all up, let alone by themselves, right? But here's the thing. The boxes didn't all get there at once. It took time to collect that mess. It took time to store all that stuff. It took time before it began to get moldy, funky, and problematic. It took time. So you have to give yourself time to ​clean it up. And, truth be told, once you decide that you are willing to partake in this process. Once you realize that you have had enough, and even if you have to go at it alone, you're still going to do it, you'll be surprised by how quickly the universe begins to send you in all that love, resources, guidance, and help you'll need to get it done. Then one day you're going to look around and realize the room is clean, and bright, and airy again, and you'll store new boxes, with new memories, and this time. you won't be throwing them out with the trash. That is where we are Beloveds. That is the gift of this current energy and the medicine of the retrograde. Embrace the process. Let. It. Go. You deserve it. This is about you​, loving you, and healing you, and fortunately, as you heal​, you also​ heal ​your family ​7 generations back and 7 generations forward. ​How dope is that? ​Trust and believe, everything is with purpose. None of your work is wasted Beloved. Not ever. Know this, and know your worth. Remember who and whose you are. ​I love you, God loves you, and Angels surround you. ​

Here are some supportive healing energies​ by Rob Wergin,​ for those of you open to it.

The Enlightened Daughter

Lightworker. Wayshower. Twin Flame. Healer. Reader. Priestess. Minister.

Holocaust Vibes


Are you showing up?