Holocaust Vibes

Holocaust Vibes...

That's the energy that I am seeing taking place around the world right now, and the oddest part to me, are those that don't see it, or perhaps they are choosing not to see it, like the homeless of America. I remember hearing the horrifying stories of the Holocaust while going to school, and reading "The Diary of Anne Frank," and thinking to myself how could they do that? What were they thinking? Did they really label people with Jew badges? How could a whole country be so easily swayed, when their friends, neighbors, loved ones, were practicing Jews? And yet I must have been one of the few people in school that day because we are allowing history to repeat itself as if we can't rewrite it. It's truly boggling my mind.

Now, I am not here to debate a person's choices for their health. What is best for one, is not necessarily best for another, another reason why this whole scheme is ridiculous to me, but alas, here we are. We all have different bodies, and therefore various chemical makeups. This isn't a one-trick pony thing. I understand fear, and I understand how the news and media utilize that fear, to keep humanity imprisoned in the illusion that they have no choice. I get it. I do. I believed it myself for far too long, yet the veil has been lifted Beloved Souls, and I am here to just support others so they may "see" it for themselves. Think for yourselves. Tap into your minds, your souls, and feel the truth of things. Stop listening to what others are telling you to think, and reclaim your sovereignty Beloved Souls.

Do you honestly believe you have no choice over your body, health, mind, lifestyle choices, places to live because that is the power of fear? It makes us believe that we don't have a choice. That even though we've all been given "free will," that it comes with a catch, but that is far, far from the truth. You are sovereign Be-ings, created in the image of the Almighty, and you have "free will." Stand in that truth. That is the truth of who and whose you are. Again, this isn't a health debate, however, to think that we can label people due to their health choices, and not see that as divisive, and a form of separatism, then honestly, what is it?

Humanity is constantly trying to find a way to separate from one another when we are one collective. We've separated based on gender, religion, sexual preferences, political affiliations, skin color, race, health, and when that shifts, finally, hopefully, we won't once again try to find a reason to separate from one another. Having said all that, as much as we have individual soul paths, we also have a collective path. COVID wasn't some random thing. Nothing in this universe is. Humanity manifested this as a form of a break from the humdrum of life. People got to rest. They re-found their creativity. Parents got to spend quality time with their children. Relationships were rekindled. We saw people showing up for one another, and regaining a sense of community, and humanity, that had gone missing in the rat race of the winner-takes-all-all world we were living in. We saw people being able to contribute to the world, in wonderfully safe ways, while not killing themselves in the process. People were able to prioritize their health and take ownership of their mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Those were the blessings of COVID. Now, do not mistake me, the dark side of COVID was the lives that were lost, and for that, I am truly sorry. I pray for those that are grieving, that they may find comfort. And I especially pray for those Beloved Souls who felt a need to take their own lives. That is truly saddening to me, which leads me to my next point, the AIDS pandemic.

Same energies. Fear and uncertainty cause people to separate themselves, isolate, make people feel shamed for their actions, lifestyle choices, etc. This is the horror of this energy. This is the darkness having a field day with our world, and thus the souls of this world. Darkness thrives off fear, no matter its form. The stagnation, the feelings of hopelessness, despair, and disempowerment, are the lies of fear. I am not saying that these things are not occurring around you. I am not saying that this isn't a part of your new reality. What I am saying is that history doesn't have to repeat itself, if we make different choices. We can choose what's best for our health, and our lives, without forcing those beliefs on another. We can choose what's best for our bodies, without judging one another. We can choose what's best for our lives, without isolating those that don't agree with us. We can choose to be the One, and understand we truly are all in this together, and thus should love and respect our individualism, and our individual soul's path, without the "my way or the highway" attitude. We have a choice. Always. I just pray humanity wakes up way before the labels once again turn into death chambers. Slippery slope. Slippery. Slope.

The Enlightened Daughter

Lightworker. Wayshower. Twin Flame. Healer. Reader. Priestess. Minister.


Different Levels Of Truth


The Medicine of Mercury Retrograde