Different Levels Of Truth

I am a fan of Spirit and Spiritual knowledge. I love the guidance of the Holy Bible, some powerful stuff is written in there, however, I do not take it to be verbatim, because, as a Channeler myself, I am seeing how things get filtered through the person getting the message. Beautiful examples of this are throughout the Christian Bible, especially within the different Gospels. You have many people, speaking of the same things, through different lenses. Isn't that what we are all doing in this world? Isn't that why there are always multiple truths. Yours, mine, and the reality of the truth. Think about it.  

I love the mysteries, depth, and knowledge of the bible. I love connecting with God in new ways, with old teachings. It's a beautiful thing. Truth doesn't change just because time does. People are at different levels of their Soul's growth, and thus will interpret things differently, and thus be at different levels, of the same truth. You feel the truth, at a Soul level, no matter where you are on your path, so utilizing your discernment when receiving these lessons, teachings, and messages, is extremely important, because, again, the message will be dependent on the Channeler, and how they decipher the messages they receive. For example, I found the teachings of Leviticus to be harsh, and seemingly judgmental of so many parts of humanity, whereas Jesus' teachings felt more nurturing, kind, loving. Does that mean the words Leviticus wrote were a lie, or is this just his viewpoint, of the thing? Is his message incorrect because my preference is to receive messages that are gentler or am I not receiving the message because of the vibration it was in when it was recorded, and thus I am not in resonance to it? Interesting to even think about. 

Being blessed as a vessel of Heaven, and able to speak/write words of life, love, and encouragement, interpreted through the voice of Autumn, has given me a greater perspective of all of this. I see now why Jesus had to come back, and clarify some scripture, through the channelings of "The Course in Miracles." It clearly shows how we can misinterpret things, and that's no judgment, we just need to be aware that it's a possibility. Human beings love to do the most and thus be doing too much. SMH. "The Course in Miracles" is written in textbook form, because it was Channeled through scientists, and scientists go deep (wordy AF ). However, the book of Autumn is more like a storybook, because I like to teach, as my teacher and Bae Jesus did, through stories. But, more importantly, these stories are Autumn's. Autumn's viewpoint on things. Autumn's passionate response to those things, with a heart, and mind, is open to the spiritual perspective of things, and thus filtered, and deciphered through all the parts of Autumn before she shares it with humanity. 

There are so many wonderful spiritual leaders and teachers on this planet. Many that walked it before us, and many that are walking it with us now. Supporting us, loving us, and guiding us. They are here right now with all of us, calling out to our souls.  Your Soul is always connected with the Most High, and you have a beautiful emotional body system that acts as a GPS, for your soul's guidance. Use your discernment. When you hear things, question them. Question everything. Even this blog. Dig deeper. Go further. The teacher will appear when the student is ready. Remember what Jesus said in the book of Matthew 7:7, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

The Enlightened Daughter

Lightworker. Wayshower. Twin Flame. Healer. Reader. Priestess. Minister.


Forgive You Now


Holocaust Vibes