Are you showing up?

How many people are truly showing up for the people in their lives, as others are showing up for them?

How many of you have been loved, catered to, nurtured by people in your life, and then found excuses not to show up for them in their time(s) of need? How many of you are tuned in to your loved ones, and know, just know when they need something, like you?

It pains me to see how selfish, and prideful we have become. Imagine a person who takes you in, loves you, dotes on you, nurtures you, cares for you, and you don’t even bother to check on them unless they’re checking on you. Imagine always being the one to reach out, and see how everyone else is feeling, and none of those people check on you. Sick, hurting, sad, whatever…and alone. Imagine that pain? And imagine being a conduit of that pain being expressed through your absence, neglect, and avoidance of dealing with some of life’s toughest moments.

Let me ask you something, what if they needed you, but couldn’t reach you? Couldn’t get to their phone, couldn’t get help, for whatever reason. Are you truly that busy? No. No one truly ever is. People make time for what’s important to them, and it says a lot when you are conveniently absent. If actions speak louder than words, what is your lack of action, through absence, truly saying?

It is not always convenient, fun, or even wanted to show up for people at times. I get it. I’ve been on both sides. Not wanting to be bothered, and making every excuse not to, and knowing that I had to show up, and show out in other areas, and being “slightly” inconvenienced, because my absence would be contrary to my declarations of love. Many of you don’t even ask people for help because you know you’ve lived your life so selfishly you feel guilty about asking someone something you know you wouldn’t do for them. Hurts right?

There are over 7 billion people on this planet, so why do you think you have to isolate yourself?  Think about it, you don’t have to come at life alone. We were created to be together, to commune, to support, love, and care for one another. We have a huge support system here and in the Ethers. You start showing up for life, and life will start showing up for you. You get what you give. So, are you giving the love, support, kindness, generosity, sacrifice, that you would desire, expect even? Are you showing up for the people in your life that were guided to you to be a blessing in your life? I wonder.

When you know better, you do better right? Well, now you know better. No excuses, just actions. Just do better. Be the wonderful, supportive, loving, nurturing friend, partner, whatever you desire. Do better.

The Enlightened Daughter

Lightworker. Wayshower. Twin Flame. Healer. Reader. Priestess. Minister.

The Medicine of Mercury Retrograde

