
My children asked me what a Lightworker was, so I thought I'd share this story with all of you. As they say, if you can't explain it to a child, you don't know it well enough.

Imagine a beautifully gigantic house. It's huge, so huge it can fit all the people on the planet inside of it. Inside this house, there's a huge great room, and everyone on Earth is invited to this party, in this great room, just for them. Now everyone on Earth is in this room, and it seems cool at first, but then everyone starts to realize it's pretty dark in here, and crowded, but now no one can remember how to get out of the room, because it's too dark. There's a little light here or there, but for the most part, it's pretty dark. Then a call goes out, maybe a text, from someone in the house, even in the room, who says, 'Hey, it's dark, we need light, and people are starting to get scared. No one knows what's going on.' So, the message gets to the Most High, and He sends in a special group of people. These people are dressed in coveralls, bandanas, and masks. They come with gloves, buckets, spray bottles, and rags. He calls these people his "Lightworkers." Their job is to go into the house, and start cleaning it up, so people can see the light again. So, one by one, we grab our buckets, our supplies, and go to a window, and start cleaning.

Now, no one in the room knows what's going on, but whoever is near the window begins to see a change. And they begin to see the light, and they remember that there is light, and so now they aren't as scared and panicked anymore because they can once again see the light. Which is just beautiful, wonderful really. Once that 1 small window pane is done, I must leave, as my bucket is filled with filthy water, go clean my supplies, refill them, and then go back in. And that's Mommy's job.

My cleaning of the windows is my shadow work, and when I heal, clean up my vibration, overcome a trauma, I also bring light to those around me, and many times those people will then want to help out as well, because they know how it feels to be in the dark, and they don't want that for anyone else. That is my job. That is why I am here as a Lightworker. It is my honor and pleasure to clean up my life, my lineage, end karmic patterns, break generational curses, and heal from the inside out. I am a lighthouse for those who need it, a shelter for those who seek it, a word for those who want it, and a safe loving space for all because all deserve it. I love you, God loves you, and Angels surround you.

The Enlightened Daughter

Lightworker. Wayshower. Twin Flame. Healer. Reader. Priestess. Minister.

Are you showing up?


There Are NO Healers.