There Are NO Healers.

“There are no healers, just the awareness that one can heal themselves. “

This message came to me in a download and was something I had to chew on. As a “healer” I am aware of the power that lies within each of us to heal ourselves. All our bodies were created to self-heal. There is no outside thing, no elixir, no potion, no tonic that is healing you, it is your shift in perspective, your belief that you can be healed, and then your allowance, of that loving knowing, to flow through. Yes, things can help the physical vessel like water, vitamins, movement, breathwork, however, healers are aligned with the knowledge that we, and you, can heal ourselves and that the thought of anything outside of that is a form of fear being expressed, because love is all that is real, and love is what is truly healing. A body aligned with their enate well-being cannot hold an illness in it. They are vibrationally unmatched, and like attracts like in this time/space reality. When you come to see one of us, or perhaps visit one of those beautiful healing centers, you are aligning with our knowing, with our vibration, as our knowing (just as your soul knows), and the vibration is aligned with the pure love and knowing that all healing comes from within, because truly, in spiritual truth there is nothing to heal, but that’s another conversation for another day. So, you come for us to love on you, for us to take you away from the busyness of your mind, to hold a sacred space for you to live and breathe for a few moments from your heart, and then from this place, this place of safety, comfort, and love, you allow the healing energies to flow within, and around you.

All physical dis-ease, ailments, and illnesses come from a spiritual place. Or rather a disconnect from our Spiritual Selves. The discomfort we experience outwards reflects what we have going on within us, as within so without. Louise Hay did a few great books, breaking down how each pain, sorrow, trauma, etc. shows up in our physical bodies. Back pain indicates lack of emotional or financial support, tooth pains are indicators of indecision and having to make a tough decision, knee pain comes from a lack of desire, or fear of moving forward, and so on. There is an enate knowing in each of us, that allows us to connect with the Source of all creation, and thus can allow the vibration of healing to flow through us. So many pains and traumas of life are held within our cellular structure from birth and then activated through environmental circumstances throughout our life. Add that to the stuff we pick up along the way, and boom, next thing you know we’re at the doctor, and they don’t have a clue as to what’s wrong with us, so we get a pill to cope, and the pattern of dysfunction continues, until someone says ENOUGH!

I’ve been doing a lot of work with my womb. Healing and clearing, because as a woman we hold a lot of traumas in our womb and yoni. Women are born with their eggs in them. Think about that. Your Mother had you in her, while she was in your grandmother’s womb. That means the traumas, pains, worries, fears, frustrations, etc., that your grandmother experienced, were in your mom’s cellular structure, and thus now yours. And this goes for the males as well. You hold those traumas in you as well. Maternal and paternal lineage holds blessings and banes. The Womb/Yoni are associated mainly with the Root Chakra, albeit they do highly affect all 3 lower chakras, these previous imprints can cause us to have issues within our womb, ovaries, relationships, finances, safety, stability, worth, creativity, and so much more. As we clear not only our inner wounds, and behaviors, we also are clearing for our ancestral line, think 7 generations back, and 7 generations forward. The womb healing allows us to align once again with our true spiritual nature as women, as we are a bridge between the Heavens and Earth, we bring the Soul from the realm of Spirit to the realm of Flesh. Powerful stuff right? So why the pain, shame, and hurt of it all?

As part of my path of healing, I have also opted out of the stories previously told about my family’s medical history. I do not now, nor ever, choose to own the stories of dementia, high blood pressure, or anything else debilitating. And yes, it truly is a choice. You are the captain of your ship, the author of your story, so if you don’t like the story as I did in this case, change it. There have been many small things that I do differently now, that have changed the vibration, and thus the outcome of my life. I grew up with the TV or radio on first thing in the morning, and what does the morning radio tell you, what issues, drama, murders, horrors happened while you were asleep, and what to look out for the next day. So, we start the day from this tense, anxious space, and that carries us through the day. So, I stopped watching the news and opted for listening to a personal motivational musical playlist instead of live radio, or even binaural beats. I wake up now between 3-5a, no that was not a conscious choice, however as my body began to awaken during that time more, and more, I began to see a shift. I got more done during the day, as I have more energy. Who knew? I have time to meditate, pray, with no interruption, as I am no longer rushing trying to get the kids ready, and get time in the bathroom, or try to squeeze in a breakfast before hitting the road. I wake to the quiet stillness of the world. I say thank you upon waking, and then I pray/meditate, and set the intention for my day. I, always choose to have a high vibrational day, filled with joy, love, and laughter, and then I allow the universe and I to dance, and make it so.

Sadly, some people are more comfortable with the story of their afflictions, illnesses, and diseases, and are in such alignment with that as their truth, that they shut themselves off from even the possibility of true healing, which is enate to our Be-ings. They enjoy, even if they do not realize it, the pain, and attention that comes with it, thus preventing their healing. Again, think ancestral. If this is all a person has ever known, because it’s been passed down, and it is an assumption that they will get whatever that is, and thus embodying it, and making it a belief, it then becomes their truth. Not because they were destined to receive the illness, but because they believed it to be the truth for them, and so it became their truth. Listen, no amount of sickness will make the next person well. No more than you being broke is going to help the next broke person. Heal yourself. You can do this. Yes, it may be easier to Minister words of healing to a cancer patient when you have been one, but you don't need to be one to help one. Your illness isn't how you are helping anyone, least of all yourself, and your healing prayers may not work, because of your attachment with your illness, little did you know. Where faith is stronger than our fears and our alignment with our illnesses, God's healing powers can freely flow. God's miracles never cease, we just need to get out of His way. 

So, what words are you speaking over yourself right now? Are you embodying the prognosis for diagnosis you’ve been given, or are you going to pick up the pen, and rewrite your story? My story is a simple one: “Every day I get healthier and wealthier. I get to help people, serve God, and have mad fun. I love my life. I am very blessed. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And so it is.” What’s your story? Write it down, and when you read it back to yourself, ask yourself, if your friend wrote this to you, about you, how would you feel? If it’s loving and kind, then run with it, and if it isn’t well, write it again. Write it from a space of love, kindness, respect, hope, and dare I say, faith. Re-write your healing story. I am healthy. I am vibrant. I am energized. I feel great. My body loves me. I love my body. I feel young again. What is your story? Tell it with pride. Be the test that became a testimony. Be the victor they tried to make a victim. Take your power back, love yourself, and remember who and whose you are. I love you, God loves you, and Angels surround you. And so it is.

The Enlightened Daughter

Lightworker. Wayshower. Twin Flame. Healer. Reader. Priestess. Minister.



Fear…And It’s many forms