The Hidden Comfort Of Afflictions

Psalm 34:19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.

Do you believe this to be true? This is a powerful biblical verse, yet it is not truly believed by many. Sit with this question. Do you find comfort in your affliction? Think about this for a moment. Many people I've worked with, whether as a Healing Intuitive, Psychic, or Coach, are more comfortable with their stories than with the pathways that will help to change those same stories. One of my favorite quotes is by Hippocrates, which states “Before you heal someone, ask him if he's willing to give up the things that make him sick." Are you willing to give up the thing(s) that made you sick? The behavior patterns thought processes, and self-victimization. There comes a point in someone's life when they are either sick of the story and no longer wish to live according to its dictates or they wear the story like a coat of armor because of the attention that comes with it. Many people I know speak about their dis-ease diagnosis in a manner that almost victimizes them, and they embrace their victimization because of the attention it brings them, or because it gives them a sense of pride to "reveal" their diagnosis to others. Their dis-ease makes them feel disempowered, and the revelation empowers them. It's a vicious cycle. Think about this in an extreme sense like Munchausen syndrome and the horror stories we've heard about how far some of those people have gone. That doesn't mean this is your affliction story, however, giving more power to your affliction or diagnosis shows where you are being directed to shift your perspective.

What story are you speaking over your life? Are you sharing your affliction with people to show your trials or your triumphs? Are you speaking on your current situation from the viewpoint of the victim or victor? Are your prayers from a space of thanksgiving knowing that your body is healed and all is well, or are your prayers a form of begging, as if you are unsure if God can/will heal you, as She has done to countless others over the millennia? This is never about judgment or criticism, it's about awareness. Awareness of how you speak about yourself. Awareness about your perspective. Awareness about your power. Awareness of your story.

The body self-heals. There is nothing the body can not do given the right circumstances. Yes, when we have body traumas like broken bones, misplaced discs, and massive bleeding, for instance, we utilize the amazing surgeons and doctors out there to set things right, but for the most part, if we get out of the body way, it does what it was designed to do and heals itself. Give your body space, time, and a high vibrational atmosphere, and watch it work wonders in your life. I don't care if it's something as small as a scratch, or as seemingly big as a terminal illness, all things can be resolved. Are you holding on to shame, guilt, resentment, fear, overwhelm, or abandonment perchance, and then living your life from that space? So many amazing people are willing to do external work like surgeries, but avoid the inner work like self-love and self-realization. It is no wonder we have so many remissions with those diagnosed with cancer. They have yet to address what is wrong on a spiritual level and so their physical vessel acts as a conduit to release those energies. Fear, resentment, guilt, shame, remorse, grief, and many other lower vibrational energies need an outlet, and when not given one, form a dis-ease within the body.

What are you holding on to? Are you willing to let the story go? Are you willing to rewrite the script? Are you willing to take your power back? Are you willing to step onto a path of joy, love, awareness, and forgiveness? Are you willing to surrender the coat of armor of fear, and embrace the cloak of love? Are you willing to allow your affliction to be removed so your luminosity can shine? Are you willing to be delivered, so you can reclaim your sovereignty? Are you willing to let it all go? Something to think about. I love you, God loves you, and Angels surround you.

The Enlightened Daughter

Lightworker. Wayshower. Twin Flame. Healer. Reader. Priestess. Minister.


There Are No Perfect Parents.