Stand In Your Power!

​It is perplexing to me the number of people I see, walking about, being herded here or there, and really thinking they don't have a choice in the matter when it comes to this whole COVID situation. That is far from the truth. I see now why I was called to step forward and speak my truth because so many others aren't. There's this energy of helplessness, hopelessness, fear, and disempowerment. These feelings aren't going away either, they are magnifying across the globe as people are watching their rights be stripped from them, and feeling isolated, outcast even, during these times, just for having a different opinion about your health, and that's truly what this is. Health conversations, which USED TO BE private and individualized, so not sure why people are putting their health status on public platforms, but hey, to each its own.

I do not dismiss the sadness that COVID brought, with the many deaths, however as humans we know that we all are going to pass. Whether we were aware of the specifics of these deaths or not, everyone that has left us was meant to because their contract was up, or they opted out early because there is a lot of transformation and healing coming to the planet (that needs to transpire within the collective), and it was too much to handle from this side of the realm, so they crossed over to assist from the other side. You all have Ancestors, Angels, and Guides on the other side of the veil supporting you at every stage of your life. So, whether it was COVID, the flu, a car accident, heart attack, whatever the case/cause, those souls were done here, and had to move on. They did so, and now lovingly support us from the other side of the veil. Lesson: We never know when someone's last day is going to be, so we need to appreciate them every day, in every moment.

I mean what did COVID teach us? We need to take better care of ourselves. Value our physical vessels. We are a collective and need to remember that we need to not just think of ourselves, but think of the community at large. We need to tap into our innate and trust the guidance we are receiving from our higher selves, which will never be harmful to you, or another. We don't need to kill ourselves in a work grind because we can actually work in different, healthier, and more accommodating ways, and still be productive, successful, and prosperous. We got to learn more about others, but mostly we got to learn about ourselves. Was it easy? Fuck no. There was so much that went on during that time, and it wasn't always nice. For some being home wasn't a safe alternative, and that bites. And for others, we saw them stepping up, forward, and out in new and magnificent ways.

At the end of the day, whether it's labeled "COVID," "Bird Flu," "Swine Flu," or whatever we come up with, it's all still "FEAR." Fear takes on a myriad of forms, but at the end of the day it keeps our vibration low, which keeps us stagnant, feeling disempowered, scared, anxious, doubtful, worried, hesitant, untrustworthy, and so much more. It is all still fear though. Fear will have you not stand up for your rights from a government you empowered. Fear will not have you stand up for your rights when an employer crosses the line and asks health questions when it goes against the HIPPA privacy laws. Fear will have you not question a mandate, as if you voted it into law. Fear will have you label, separate, and judge people for differences of, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, shall I continue?

You are a child of the Most High God. YOUR body is YOUR temple, and YOU have the wisdom of the Most High available to you, about your health and what best to do for you and your family. No one else. Not even me. The point of the blog is this, you have rights. You are a child of God. Sovereign, majestic, powerful, mighty, created in its image. Remember that truth when the world is pushing you against your soul, your joy, your peace, your well-being. Always know who and whose you are. You are so loved. I love you, God loves you, and Angels surround you.

The Enlightened Daughter

Lightworker. Wayshower. Twin Flame. Healer. Reader. Priestess. Minister.

4:14…Such A Time As This.


2022… Abundant New Year