4:14…Such A Time As This.

The Path:

​We are all on different paths in this thing called life, and therefore we each look at things differently, thus the gift of perspective. I was very...challenged...shall we say, when I was first called to walk this path of the Spirit. Literally thought this CAN'T be a message for me, cause I don't do that. Well, little did I know, not only did I "do that," but I've been doing "that" for lifetimes. Walking in Spirit and leading a life that offers guidance, love, and motivation to others is what I've always done, and came back to do once again. It took a while to awaken to this calling, and it took awhile for me to ACCEPT this as my calling. Just because we receive divine guidance doesn't always mean we are open to it.

The Dance:

My Soul and my EGO had quite the push-pull conflict going on. My Soul leads me to the greatest and best version of myself, and my EGO trying to keep me safe. My Soul said you were meant to lead, to guide, to love, to shine bright, and you weren't meant to do it the way it's always been done. My EGO said look to the pulpit. You aren't welcome in this space. Back and forth, forth and back went the dance, until my Soul decided to no longer entertain it. Like any argument in life, if one person stops arguing, the argument stops, no matter how long the other may try to drag it on. The EGO came up with excuse after excuse after excuse as to why not to walk this path, from you used to do porn, to you still want to punch people in the face who talk about Jesus sideways, to you curse like a sailor, etc. On and on it went, in its fight for my safety, and when the EGO finished defending itself, fighting for its safety, crying out for anything but this, the Soul came through, as the Soul always does, with love, with kindness, with patience, and just hugged it close. The closer, and tighter the hug, the more the EGO let go. The fight was finally over. The Soul, in love, holding the EGO close said very softly, very patiently, and with much conviction, "this isn't about you."

Life-Changing Words:

This isn't about you. Those words changed my life. Those words were like a punch in the gut because here I was fighting, and the only thing I was truly fighting was my own self. "To thine own self be true," right? Well, I had to come to terms with some things. I finally understood, with glaring clarity, that this IS my path. Those ARE my gifts. These are things that I came here with, in order to help others, and I wasn't doing that. I wasn't being true to myself, and I was actually harming others because people needed my help, and I was hiding, I was underutilizing, I was playing myself. It was time to come out of the dark. I've been talking to people about spirituality and sex my whole life, with much success. It was time to truly be the bridge between Heaven and Earth, as the Goddess that I am, utilizing all that I am. This is when I accepted the name I was gifted with "The Enlightened Daughter," this is when I was led to create "Soul Sex." This is part of the remembrance of who I Am, at a soul level.

Esther 4:14:

14 For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

"...for such a time as this." These words have been chasing me for years. When I first became aware that the Angels were speaking to me through numbers, signs, and synchronicities, I began to truly tap into those signs, and 414 was a huge one for me. I remember reading the "Book of Esther," and that phrase stood out to me. And then here we are many years later, as she reminds me that like herself, she didn't know if she were qualified, worthy, enough, but she followed the divine guidance given to her, realized that this was bigger than her, and despite how it may turn out, did what she felt was the right thing to do. Good, bad, or otherwise. Her choice could have cost her her life. That is where I am. The judgments will come. The commentary will come. The backlash will come. And I could care less. I know that I am shielded and cloaked in love and light. So let it come. All will be transmuted into a higher level of love. And guess what? Do you know what else will come? Love, beyond measure. Light brighter than the sun. A joy that overflows from your heart. Self-realizations. Self-love. Self-respect. Sovereignty. Knowledge. Wisdom. Understanding. Bliss. Peace. Harmony. Fulfillment.

This may be "the road less traveled," but I came to show those who are open to it a different road. Take this walk with me. All roads lead home. All roads lead you back to the Light. I am merely a bridge between Heaven and Earth. You must choose. Are you ready to arise with, for such a time as this?

The Enlightened Daughter

Lightworker. Wayshower. Twin Flame. Healer. Reader. Priestess. Minister.


Spiritual Responsibility


Stand In Your Power!