Lessons From A House Fire

I was awoken early in the wee hours of the morning to a fire alarm going off. Frightened of course, especially when we saw the smoke, it was by God's grace that it wasn't our apartment on fire, but still, the smoke was pouring into our home. We thought it might have been a neighbor, but came to find out the fire was on the 8th floor, and still, the smoke reached us on 21. So many questions and so many observations. First things first, was everyone okay? I saw 1 person on a stretcher and I pray that they and anyone else involved are okay. Windows busted out, smoke everywhere, it was quite the hectic Monday morning. Then for the rest of the day, I just kept hearing fire truck after fire truck after fire truck. It's like the world was on fire today. It was so fascinating. Fires are about death and rebirth. Cleansing and purification. Initiation and healing. There's so much in all of this. The fire may have occurred in 1 specific apartment, but many were affected. The family, the neighbors, the friends. Whoever lived there had some big life changes that needed to be made, and instead of following the guidance that was given, they manifested this force of hand. When we experience things like this it is time to stop, look around, remember to find things to be grateful for, and shift, shift, shift our perspective. Yes, you may have lost items, but you didn't lose lives. Yes, you may be displaced temporarily, but it is only temporary. Yes, you may have had the fright of your life, but now you have a great story to tell. Life is about perspectives and we can always find the lesson and the blessing in things. Learn to be grateful for your life and follow the intuitive promptings that you receive. You can learn without the trauma. Allow your trial to be your triumph.

The Enlightened Daughter

Lightworker. Wayshower. Twin Flame. Healer. Reader. Priestess. Minister.


There Are No Perfect Parents.


Spiritual Responsibility