Twin Flame Tuesdays 08.31.21

The term “Twin Flame” has become somewhat of a trend, a phenomenon of sorts. People found a version of love that is different from Hollywood (probably because their life doesn't look that way), and in many cases, use this new Twin Flame (TF) phenomena to justify the dysfunction, instability, and sometimes abuse of their current relationship. It’s sad, and equally amazing how quickly people wish to latch on to labels, and restrictions in the name of love. Let me very, very clear, if you are in a relationship where you are being abused (physically, mentally, emotionally, financially), violated, hurt, mistreated, and are living in pain, fear, sadness, and desperation, that is not a TF dynamic, that is an indicator that you need to get someplace safe, so you can heal. Love doesn't matter if we are talking about God's love or Hollywood's. Love does not harm you, nor makes you feel weak, unsafe, or fearful. It is neither threatening nor violent.

Now, the TF journey isn't about this romanticized love, where they cross over the oceans, and the seas to be together, albeit many do, and it makes for one hell of a story, however, and hate to break it to you, that isn't, and won't be the case for many. The TF journey is about unconditional love. Unconditional love. How does one learn to achieve this beautiful gift? By first loving themselves unconditionally. Boom! Sit with that right there. Take a breath, and just chew on that. You must love yourself. Self-love is the best love Beloveds. You must love YOU, fully, completely, hopelessly, wonderfully, so much that you are then, and only then, able to pour that love into another, and feel good about it, because you are pouring from a cup that is overflowing, instead of a cup that's all dried out from you trying to people please, and not taking care of you. Yup! I know it well. Trust me, I have convicted myself of these same things. Being a Twin, who has had the experience of meeting a False Twin and then becoming aware of what TF's were, because it was a foreign concept to me at the time, to the meeting, going into union with, and then separating from their True Twin, one numerous occasion, I've seen a lot, felt a lot of the activations, the hurts, the joys, the highs, the lows, and the mind-blowing awarenesses that all the triggering, mirroring, and healing brings.

When we meet our Twins the energy can be magnetic. Often it begins with a "challenge" in the dynamic, like age differences, one party is married, one may live on the other side of the globe, same-sex partnership, religions, and more. And then there are the similarities, like growing up in the same neighborhood, or maybe have been on vacation at the same place a year, or even days apart, or having similar childhoods. There's so much. And then comes to mirroring and triggering, and the push-pull, the runner-chaser. And it feels like your head is spinning, and yet through it all, at every moment, you are being called back to the same thing, unconditional love. So ask yourself, what do I need to learn from this? What do I need to see clearly? Why am I so triggered by all of this, and that's when the power and the true alignment get to come in and play. However, when we are walking around with our rose-colored glasses on, wanting to believe that this is real and that despite the 1000 red flags in your face stating otherwise, and try to force things, or we feel like we "must" hold on because this is my TF. No, no, nope! How are you loving, respecting, and honoring yourself at that moment? We are energetic Be-ings, and we get what we are in vibrational alignment with. Not the words we write down or even say at times, but what we are vibrating out. So, if you are receiving anything short of what you truly desire in this dynamic, any relationship really, but here, if you are being slighted, then it's an indicator that you need to do something else. Shift, shift, shift. Shift your relationship with you first and foremost, and the rest will fall into place. This is about unconditional love, and unconditional love starts with you. You must love yourself enough to know when to break down your walls (which block you and your blessings), and when to establish healthy boundaries (discernment is a gift). You must be the one to stand in your truth, and stand in your Yeses and your Nos, at all times. It's on you to love yourself, so fully, so completely, so magnificently, that anything less than that doesn't even touch you. That's when you are ready for union, and that's when your TF has to match you. Vibe high always, in love, and light Beloveds. This is a love journey, so be that. Be love. Be the love you need, desire, want, and let it come back to you.

The Enlightened Daughter

Lightworker. Wayshower. Twin Flame. Healer. Reader. Priestess. Minister.

Fear…And It’s many forms


Let’s Start Again…